Mid-IR Photodetectors and Systems: Applications & Markets (2019)
Leaders in MIR Photodetectors manufacturing recently unveiled investment projects. In this Market Brief, we present new emerging applications driving these decisions as well as market development forecast and circumstances.
Release date: December, 5th 2019
Report outline
- Title: Mid-IR Photodetectors and Systems : Applications & Markets
- 50+ slides
- € 2490 (Tax excl.)
- Multi users license
Objectives of the report
- Understand the current Mid-IR Photodetectors market
- Understand the Value chain and Identify Mid-IR Photodetectors & systems applications
- Provide market analysis and forecast until 2025 for Mid-IR Photodetectors
- Provide market forecast for Mid-IR systems in each application field
- Determine opportunities for Mid-IR Photodetectors
Key Features of the report
- Value chain and applications of Mid-IR Photodetectors & systems
- Mid-IR Photodetectors Market –Units 2017-2025
- Mid-IR Photodetectors Market –Revenues 2017 - 2025
- Mid-IR systems Market -Revenues 2017 - 2025
- Opportunities for Mid-IR photodetectors
A market driven by new key technologies and applications
Mid-IR has been used since a long time to carry out qualitative and quantitative analyzes of organic and inorganic samples. In fact, the Mid-IR spectral region, from 3 to 20 μm, is called the molecular-fingerprint region. The mid-IR region has several windows of transparency in Earth’s atmosphere (3-5 and 8-14 μm) that are important for remote sensing applications.
Besides analytical instruments and defense systems, MIR spectral region is being used in new applications (e.g. industrial and biomedical sectors). However, the adoption remained low for two main reasons:
- The high cost of components
- And the need to cool or stabilize in temperature.
The Mid-IR Photodetectors market is at a turning point. On the one hand, the past years has seen significant progress in the development of novel mid-IR photodetectors.
On the other hand, the use of alternatives to HgCdTe, such as III-V materials have been extensively studied to build room temperature detectors at lower cost and higher sensitivity. Moreover, some market leaders recently unveiled investments projects. These achievements will lead to adoption of MIR photodetectors for a wide range of new applications.
The report provides a detailed market analysis & forecasts from 2017 to 2025 as well as an analysis by market segment.
Table of content
- Study Goals and Objectives
- Information Sources and Methodology
- Glossary
2.Brief Review of Mid-IR Technologies
- Mid-IR sources Technologies
- Mid-IR detectors Technologies
3.Mid-IR Photodetectors Market
- Mid-IR Players along the Value Chain
- Mid-IR Photodetectors Market in terms of units
- Mid-IR Photodetectors Market in terms of volumes (M€)
4.Mid-IR Systems Market and Applications
- Classification of Mid-IR Photodetectors based Systems
- Mid-IR Systems Market in terms of volumes (M€) and breakdown per application field
- General conclusions
- Opportunities for Mid-IR photodetectors
- Plans for investments in infrared detectors fabrication
Mid-IR Photodetectors and Systems Applications & Markets / Flyer