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🔔 Can spectroscopy be available to everyone ❓

Pre-order the new 2020 Tematys Report on Miniature, Micro and Chip-size Spectrometers and find it out ❗

A new dynamic for spectral analysis is coming: while miniature and micro spectrometers achieve steady growth and find well established position on the market, the disruptive chip-size technologies come up and elevate the role of spectroscopy to an entirely new level. Tematys is happy to provide comprehensive description of this market transition in the latest 2020 report, including market revenue, forecasts, technologies and applications.

The release of Tematys 2020 Report on “Miniature, Micro and Chip-size Spectrometers” is scheduled for November 30th, 2020, and it is priced at 4 990,00 EUR (Tax excluded). But, as of now, you can place a pre-order before the release date, get a 10% discount and save 500 EUR ❗

Read more here and get the flyer:

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